9/11 Research Paper

Words: 693
Pages: 3

Since then, the Muslim American charity is devastated but they are afraid to donate to Islamic charities. No one knows how catastrophic September 11, 2001 was than the people who experienced it first hand. Aziz Ahsan ignored the sounds of planes that had been flying around his office as the plane hit the north tower. Aziz never realized what the situation rally was until he was caught in the debris as the tower collapsed. He barely made it out of the tower as it was collapsing. Since Aziz survived, he will have to live through the aftermath of fear and Islamophobia. People always looking at him, people whispering about him in public, and people telling him that he is not a true American. “Muslims died and Muslims survived 9/11. People just …show more content…
Ahsan wakes up every morning and has a piece of the twin towers with him. Although it is something he much rather forget. Talat Hamdani lost her son, Mohammad Salman during the attacks at the World Trade Center. Mohammad rushed to the twin towers to help those who were injured. Mohammad was not alone. Around sixty Muslims were killed during the 9/11 attacks. All of their families felt the uncertainty as other families who have waited for days and months to see if they were alive or dead. All of these Muslim families were overlooked by American society. “We aren’t counted. We are invisible people. People are always saying ‘Muslim terrorists.’ But we died too. Our people died too.” Every year since 2002, his mother spends September 11 with her two other sons, grieving over Mohammad’s death. “It’s a hard day. We don’t do anything,” said Talat Hamdani. “We just stay together and we shut down. We do not turn on the television, we cut off from the world and stay in our own little world. We might go for a drive, but we don’t address the day itself. What can you possibly say?” She lives in Lake Grove, New York and is fighting for recognition for her son as a New York Police Department cadet. Mohammad was wrongly suspected of having something to do with the 9/11 attacks. In January 2002, only five months after 9/11, the United States opened a military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. It was for the American