9/11 Research Paper

Words: 635
Pages: 3

I choose to do my paper on September, 11 2001; because there is no other event like it in the history of the United States! 9/11 has changed the world so much, not even Pearl Harbor that may have put us to war can compare. After the events of 9/11it has changed the way the U.S. has thought about their safety, but also it made the U.S. come closer as a country and make us a stronger nation. It also set up an alert system if there is ever another attack coming. The World Trade Center was a business building in Manhattan taking up over sixteen acres and it included a large plaza, seven buildings, and an underground shopping mall connecting them. The plaza’s main focus was the Twin Towers. The towers both had one hundred and ten stories and …show more content…
With franchise operations in at least sixteen other countries, al-Qaeda seeks to overthrow Middle-Eastern governments or other places with. The attacks on American soil were made in an attempt to reduce support in the United States for the offending governments, which al-Qaeda saw as a huge obstacle in building a global order under Islam. In addition, they were angry over the American support of Israel, as well as their part in the Persian Gulf War and their strong military presence in Middle Eastern countries. All in all, almost three thousand people were killed from a total of ninety three nations. Over twenty seven hundred people were killed in the Twin Towers attack, one hundred eighty four were killed during the attack on the Pentagon, and forty people were killed on Flight 93. In addition to the civilians and hijackers, three hundred and forty three firefighters and paramedics were killed, along with twenty three police officers and thirty seven Port Authority police officers. Only six people who were in the World Trade Center towers at the time of the collapse survived and almost ten thousand others were treated for injuries. The death toll was beyond catastrophic and devastating to a