911 Call Research Paper

Words: 1650
Pages: 7

Paragraph 1 (Introduction 5--8 sentences)
Claim (what you will prove)
The 911 call helped a lot of people with problems for example, the US made it and other states made something just like the 911 call and it helped people that needed it.Next, people feel more safe about the way they can live.last,The 911 call is not bad it a good thing it helps people who need it.
What will paragraph 2 be about? people used it for help when they needed it. People could only use it if they needed help. someone was being robbed or someone is in pain then they would call 911 and after a few minutes cops would come to you and give you some help or take the person that in pain then the cops would take them to the hospital.Or the fire department would come
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when they made the 911 call people had more help with thing they needed.For a fire there was a box that only had the fire department number and when there was a fire people would just have to pick up the phone.then say where the fire was.Then the fire department would put out the fire .police would also come with the fire department to see how the building got on fire.
Quote from an expert source (include name of person/magazine/book)
One day over 3,500 911 calls are made
Transition, + Explain in your words how the quote connects to or proves your claim
Second, To show how this 911 call helps people from just the US people call 911 .1 minute over 100 calls were made and the mission for the 911 call was to support the citizens of the US.It has no hold for people when people call about a emergency.911 is to help the US be a better place. 911 is never bad thing it became a thing to help people with a emergency.
Quote from an expert source (include name of person/magazine/book)
911 call has no bad things in
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Quote from an expert source (include name of person/magazine/book)
Made the police jobs easier
Transition, + Explain in your words how the quote connects to or proves your claim
Overall,citizens have been portion by the police.Citizens helped the police with their job by seeing thing and calling 911 for a police to come and see what going on.Police would not know if something is about to happen and police are too late to do anything about the problem.lives are in danger and the police don't know about it.but 911 would help with the problem.

Quote from an expert source (include name of person/magazine/book)
Reason why people needed 911 call
Transition, + Explain in your words how the quote connects to or proves your