To complete dental assistant program, there is a two-year training program for dental assistant certifications. The requirement to enter the program is high school diploma or GED. Students can receive financial aids to pay for college based on their income level. Once examination for dental assistant has been completed one can essentially be ready to apply to schools in the dentist category. For experience, Students are assigned to work in local dental office to gain additional experience and then possibly find a job in area of …show more content…
These are all factors that can contribute to one’s decision when deciding whether to get into dental assistant profession or not. Many students drop out of dental school due to the fact that it is very hard to manage work/school life, particularly for dental hygienist students. This is more often the case for non-traditional students that have families to care for and try to go back to school later in life. Although dental assistant is a great career path, it has its own negative side to it that often has negative consequence on students then positive impact. For the students that get into the program and don’t get the proper training, finding a job could be challenging specially in a highly competitive market of 21st