A Career As A Vet Technician

Words: 385
Pages: 2

My dream job was always to be a veterinarian. After researching, not only schools but also the costs and years I would have to spend getting my degree, I soon realized that being a veterinarian technician (vet tech) was more of my calling. In today's world, veterinarians are always on the hunt for vet techs. Vet techs have a very wide range of jobs in their field. Some are cleaners, they clean the vet clinic after surgeries, checkups, and stock shelves. Others are in the field working alongside the vet, more hands on. Many sit at the desk, checking their patients in, taking calls, scheduling appointments, and more. There are some that do all of it, which is more known in small town, rural, vet clinics. I have always loved working with animals