ADA Service Animals

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Pages: 5

Did you know that even though service animals are animals that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks, only dogs are qualified under the ADA? The ADA Stands for the Americans with Disabilities Act and protects disabled people from discrimination. The ADA also defines service animals and which ones are qualified. But some people who need service or emotional support need animals, besides dogs and mini horses. The ADA prohibits other animals from going into public areas. Although certain types of animals can be dangerous and harmful, other types of animals besides dogs should be recognized by the ADA as service animals because each animal specializes in different services that help people with certain disabilities, they uplift people's spirits and provide comfort and joy, and service animals are highly …show more content…
“The alligator has provided comfort for him as he has undergone radiation treatments for cancer.”(Morse,2023,p.2) This quote reveals in this case how Joie Henny owns an alligator that helped him through his cancer. This proves that alligators or any other animals can contribute to helping their owners by providing comfort and joy. This also shows why service animals should not be restricted to only dogs. To add to this, Writer Eduardo Medina gives an example of other service animals providing comfort “The first day she got them as chicks, Mr. Martin stayed by their cage, patting them gently and holding each on the palm of his hand.” (Medina,2023,p.1)” Though this evidence may not look like much, people with autism just like Mr. Martin struggle with many things. These chickens helped push Mr. Martin to get pushed out of his boundaries. It helped comfort and provide joy for Mr. Martin. It is a common belief among individuals that some support animals pose a potential threat and can cause harm to those who rely on them for