Abortion: The Roe Vs. Wade Case

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Abortion in the U.S. Ever since the Roe vs. Wade case in 1973, abortion has been legal in the United States and it has been one of the most controversial issues ever since. Those that believe in abortion can argue that women have the right to do whatever they want with their body and that it’s just a fetus, while those against it can argue that abortion is the same as murdering an innocent child. Those against abortion have a much stronger argument, however for some reason abortion remains to stay legal. There are countless numbers of reasons why abortion should be ruled illegal, but the ones that stand out the most are that abortion is murder, it’s not the only option, and that the women seeking the abortion services are also put at great …show more content…
Abortion also should have the same legal consequences as murder since they are both very similar. The Roe vs. Wade case established that unborn babies don’t have the same rights as living humans because they are still fetuses/embryos and have not fully developed yet. Many disagree with this ruling because it states that these babies are not defined as ‘living’ yet, well the definition of something that is ‘living’ is that it has the ability to grow. This exact process of growing is currently occurring inside pregnant women, which means that having an abortion stops this process of growing, terminating the life of the future child. This practice is inhumane and very cynical, this baby hasn’t committed a sin yet and it is being murdered for selfish reasons. There are some cases in which the woman was raped and became pregnant, but this is rarely the case. According to the Center for Disease Control, less than 1% of the abortions that occur are due to rape. People tend to forget that having an abortion is not the only solution when you accidentally become pregnant, there are several options that aren’t nearly as cruel as …show more content…
It’s as simple as that, but there are also many other ways to avoid an abortion. Birth control, safe sex, and the biggest one, adoption. Adoption is a great thing because it can benefit both parties, not everyone is financially and emotionally capable of taking care of a baby while some are able to do so but they are not fortunate enough to be able to have a baby of their own. With gay marriage being recently made legal, these couples are prime examples of some people that can’t have children. It is famously said that, “Another man’s trash is another man’s gold.” This quote can be applied in this situation, since people are willing to just end the life of their babies and others are praying to have babies. These alternatives to abortion give light to why it should be made illegal, it would be a different case if there was no other choice. But clearly there is more than one possible solution to unwanted pregnancies, so this cruel practice should definitely be banned from the United