Appendix F
Academic Honesty Articles Worksheet
Resource: University Library
Find at least two articles on the subject of academic honesty in the University Library.
Complete the chart below.
| |Article 1 |Article 2 |
|What keyword search did | |Plagiarism |
|you use to find the | | |
|article? |Honor Code | |
|In which database did you| |Google search |
|locate the article? |Google Search | |
|What is the title of the | |Plagiarism and their effects |
|article? |Reasons Why Plagiarism is Dishonest | |
|Who is the author or |SPC College |Emory College |
|authors? | | |
|When was the article | |Feb 2012 |
|published? |2013 | |
|Was the article peer | |Yes |
|reviewed? |Yes | |
|Outline three major |Quoting another person's actual words. |There shall be a body to be |
|points the author made in|Using another person's idea, opinion, or theory, even if it is completely|known as the Honor Council, |
|the article. |paraphrased in one's own words. |charged with the duties of |
| |Drawing upon facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials — unless |presenting the honor system |
| |the information is common knowledge. |to all freshmen and new |
| | |students and acting as a |
| | |fact-finding body for the |
| | |determination of Honor Code |
| | |violations. The Council shall|
| | |recommend punishment in cases|
| | |of dishonesty in academic |
| | |work |
|What did the author |Fabrication - The use of invented or fabricated information, or the |(a) Seeking, acquiring, |
|conclude in the article? |falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive |receiving, or giving |
|What were the findings? |for academic