The academic honor code has great value to it and all schools should have and enforce it. This system ensures that any student who breaks this set of rules and principles will get consequences. Not only are they being dishonest, but do not deserve to be in the position that they are in and get the career they are working for. If a student gets a position an honorable student should have gotten, they will not know how to apply themselves in the real world compared to the student who did not cheat in the process. Institutions, colleges, universities, and schools all around the world have an academic honor code. This code is necessary to give the right praise to the right students for truthfully succeeding in their work …show more content…
Cheating on exams or problem sets, plagiarizing or misrepresenting the ideas or language of someone else as one’s own, falsifying data, or any other instance of academic dishonesty violates the standards of our community, as well as the standards of the wider world of learning and affairs” (College, The Honor Code, 2015). The definition of integrity is the quality of being honest and fair (Merriam-Webster, 2015). If there was a selection to one word that describes the academic code, it would be integrity because the honor code is meant for students to be completely honest with their work. Undertaking corrupted deeds such as cheating, plagiarizing, or stealing someone else’s ideas or work will result in violation of the code. Not only will this embarrass the student, but will also shame the college who had that student at their …show more content…
Their Handbook states…“including, but not limited to, the requirement to withdraw from the College for a year”. The penalties for such violations do not include permanent dismissal from Harvard (Inc, 1996-2015). By violating this code, it also takes away the privileges of collaborating with other students. This even includes assignments and problem sets that require team work. Over time, students who did dishonest acts will slowly gain trust back by their professors and college. There would be responses that the students would take after coming back to the college to clarify the syllabus. Rewards for following Harvard University’s academic honor code are the student being able to apply their knowledge to their field of study and have a greater chance of getting into the career that they are pursuing for. The reward is a student’s personal value in what they are learning to do for the rest of their lives. If a student cheats to get to this point, they will not know how to evaluate and apply themselves or be able to make original arguments or