Active Listening

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Pages: 3

Active Listening

Active listening is a process when you make a conscious effort to receive the complete message ("Active Listening," n.d.). This skill can be extremely useful in business, for example, listening to the customer feedback on a product or service can be beneficial to the business in the future. The business can use the customer feedback to improve their product or services to support their customers better. There are many websites that offer instruction on how to develop active listening skill, but the one I found useful is


Assertiveness is a communication skill that allows you to express your opinions, attitudes, feelings, and rights that doesn't violate
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Negotiation skill involves strong use of verbal communication skill and non-verbal communication skill. In business, negotiation skill can be very useful when dealing with an employee or with another company. Walmart is a great example because they were able to negotiation with the manufacturer to provide them with product at a low price. With great negotiation skill, manager can solve employee issues before it causes more problem. A great place to learn more about negotiation skill is at, this website also provides the do and don't example of …show more content…
Feedback should be given soon after the event so that the idea is relevant to the action. Feedback should also be given often to avoid the problem piling up in the future. In business, giving a positive feedback to the employee can increase morale and productivity. When giving a negative feedback, you should do them in private or the person could feel like they are being attacked. Giving feedback is an important part in a workplace, if a manager is skilled at giving feedback to their employees, its can improve the performance of their employee. A great place to learn more about feedback is at


Persuasion is a process that attempt to change another person's behavior or idea ("What is persuasion?," n.d.). A manager can try to persuade their employee to change the attitude in a workplace. Excellent verbal communication skill is needed to be able to persuade someone to do your bidding. You can learn more about persuasion with this illustration at