The first definition which is the noun form for power reads-power is the ability to do something or act in a particular way especially as a faculty or quality. The second definition in the verb form for power reads- to supply (a device) with mechanical or electrical energy. Power has more definitions to it but there mainly from people who make personal opinions of the term. So to directly state that character is power could differ from any individual. Another aspect about power after it is defined is to determine how it is distributed around one’s workplace, community, or any established system. In Caleb’s case the employer had the power to inquire Caleb in the company, but the employer decided to enforce his power by distributing an entity of power to the Hispanic applicant. The employer did so by finding more interest in the Hispanic person’s race. The brief example shows how power does not have to be earned but it can be given. This exemplifies that in certain cases power is not an opportunity that anyone can be awarded with. To conclude power has many entities to consider when someone is questioning what specifically is it and who has …show more content…
Also when one is analyzing or trying to figure out what is the meaning for a certain action they have to observe the characteristics of the demeanor. In simpler terms character helps determines the purpose(s) for numerous situation which eliminates stereotypes/stereotyping. Booker T. Washington said it best “Character is power.” Every person has a power that they possess they just have to figure it out. Since every person has power every person carry traits that can make them powerful such as preparedness, knowledge, and a degree of supremacy. Caleb’s characteristics made him have enough power to get a job in the landscaping career field, but not the specific job he primarily applied for. Formerly stated in the paragraph Caleb did not get the job because of the employer’s stereotype that Hispanics work more diligently and efficiently than African Americans. Stereotyping will never be justified in any situation. So the question now is will every individual remain fair to beliefs, races, and ideas on certain locations and invest in their power. Every person’s task at hand is to determine whether they will implement their power and purpose, or will they squander there foundation for humility and misfortune. Remember character is power but power is personally