In 1944, 17 year old Nathan Schnurman decided to participate in an experiment for the Navy. This experiment was conducted to test protective clothing. He put on the protective clothing and a gas mask, and entered a 10 by 10 gas chamber filled with sulfur mustard and Lewisite; both poisonous. Mr. Schnurman was supposed to stay in the chamber for an hour for a total of 5 days. On his last day, his eyes and throat began to sting and became nauseous. He asked to leave the chamber twice, but was denied by the scientists because they wanted to continue the experiment. He ended up passing out because of cardiac arrest. He awake later with blisters all over his body and was told not to tell anyone what he had experienced. This is a perfect example of an experiment a subject could not handle. These experiments could also be like abuse. In the Nuremberg code, it states that "Human subjects should …show more content…
Agent Orange is a perfect example of testing subjects without their knowledge. Agent Orange is a chemical that was used in the Korean War and Vietnam War. This chemical was lethal and was tested on hospital patients in Korea, most of them parents. This eventually gave serious birth defects to their children. In the Vietnam War it was sprayed and humans were greatly affected by the chemical. Another example would be that in 1908, orphans in Philadelphia were injected with tuberculosis; an infectious bacterial disease that can be fatal if not treated. Many of the children were permanently