Alexander Hamilton Research Paper

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Pages: 5

Alexander Hamilton I have chosen to write my essay on Alexander Hamilton. He wrote himself up from rock bottom and was basically self made, he was a hard working and very determined man and Hamilton was very smart, well thought out, intelligent and for the most part extremely logical. I have noticed and studied this about Hamilton and realized that he's a great example of a person who inspires me. To back up my first reasoning- that Hamilton was a self-starter, here's why I believe this. Alexander Hamilton was born in the Caribbean. From birth, Hamilton did not have a great start to life. He grew up dirt poor, but he would steal, beg bargen, etc. to get what he needed. When he was 10, his father left him and his mother, then just two years later Alexander …show more content…
Hamilton's early worries were money, including how much debt they were in due to the revolution and taxes. Alexander became George Washington's right hand man (who was at the time the general). Once they went to war with the British, Washington knew Hamilton was the right man to pick for the job and he needed all the help possible during these battles. Hamilton wanted to get granted command of a battalion to lead, but the wishes were denied by Washington in the chances he could die. However Hamilton came back as the right hand man during the Battle of Saratoga, and at this point his wife was pregnant and her worried that their child wouldn't have a father, he continued to fight knowing and taking that risk. After the war Hamilton went back to New York to finish up his studies and practice law, which he did extremely quickly. Hamilton was an amazing writer, writing day and night. Alexander wanted to create what is today the U.S. constitution with a series of essays that would be anonymously published defending the constitution. He wanted help writing, so he asked around until he finally got some help. Hamilton found the help of James Madison and John