American Military Course Analysis

Words: 1485
Pages: 6

Throughout this session, I have learned much more than I imagined I would about the history of the American Military. Our military has evolved massively since the days of our Forefathers and is still growing every day. Throughout the course, I am able to pick out four key events where the American Military was improved and/or evolved setting a path for a more organized, trained, well-equipped, and respected Military. The events that I feel transformed the American Military was the Emancipation Proclamation, Mahan’s lectures, the development of American Air Force, and the introduction of amphibious warfare with the Marines. All of which greatly impacted the efficiency and success of the military and gave the United States great foundation for …show more content…
The capabilities and depth of these side of the military were slim and incapable of being effective or effivient. Thus, young Americans who flew volunteered with the Royal Flying Corps and French Aerial service before the United States entered the war. This provided a minimal core of combat experience airecrew to American Expeditionary Force’s Air Service (Allison, 2012, 5535). As such, it was a huge leap toward the aviation cpabilites that we have today (Airforce, Navy Air Forces, Coast Guard, and Marines). While the planes made an incredible impact on the front lines, their roles became mostly reconnaissance and countering the threat posed by German fighters (Allison, 2012, 5541). This strategy was chosen becauase it was thought to be more beneficial than attacking. By doing this it did not put pilots at unnecessary risk of being down. Now having proper pilots, training the pilots in fighting tactics and mobilization benefited the military. Aviation opportunites were crucial for the American military. Aviation gave us Attack and defense opportunies that were needed and would help to make the American military what it is today. These implementations were crucial to WWI and WWII. Without these applications of aerial tactics, the first War on Communism could have been lost. With this great advancement, it has given the United States military great preparation and strength in the organization because the reconnaissance gave them a lot of time to get organized and have time to warn if and/or when an attack is