An Enzyme Essay

Submitted By hollyholloman
Words: 768
Pages: 4

An Enzyme-Substrate Reaction Model
To study reaction rates of an enzyme-meditated reaction
To study the effects of environmental variables on enzyme functions

A. Background Information
In a chemical equation, the starting substances that are going to react together are called reactants. The substances formed during the reaction are products. All reactions require a minimum amount of energy to begin which is called activated energy. A catalyst if a substance that lowers the activation needed to start a chemical reaction, therefore causing reaction to occur faster. Special proteins that are biological catalyst are called enzymes. Enzymes are specific to one reaction. Three factors that affect enzyme activity are pH, temperature, and other substances.

B. Enzyme-Substrate Complex

C. Hypothesis
The rate of the enzyme-substrate reaction will increase when the enzyme is denatured, will increase in the presence of a coenzyme, and will decrease in the presence of a competitive inhibitor.

500 pennies
Stop watch
Oven mitts
Tennis balls
Masking tape
Trial one- Baseline enzyme-substrate reaction the purpose of this trail is to demonstrate an enzyme substrate reaction by determining how fast an enzyme can react with a substrate under normal, optimum conditions.
Students divide into three groups, and get 500 pennies
One member will attempt to pick up as many pennies as possible turning each other, head side up. (10 seconds)
Pennies represent substrates, while hands represents the enzymes.
After each 10 seconds; intervals, the “enzymes” will bring the pennies back and the group will count.
The teacher is responsible for the timing period all pennies are selected, DO NOT return the pennies to floor between intervals. Also, additional time may be needed until all pennies are picked up.
Place data onto Table 1- team data
Trail two- Denaturation of enzymes the purpose of this trial is to demonstrate.
Next, the group member representing the enzyme will place oven mitts on their hands and repeat trying to pick up as many pennies as possible in the 10 second intervals.
Record data in Table 1- team data
Trial three- Competitive enzymes are demonstrated.
A tennis ball is placed and taped to the hand of the enzyme group member.
Record data on Table 1.
Trial four-
Now another member (coenzyme) will be responsible for collecting the pennies from their group member (enzyme) and turning them over.
Record on Table 1
Then record class data on Table 2

Data Tables:


1. Describe the following:
A. Denatured enzyme- The enzyme is a protein, and at high temperatures, the shape of the protein is altered, preventing it from performing its function. It has been denatured.
B. Competitive inhibitor- Competitive inhibition is a form of enzyme inhibition where binding of the inhibitor to the active site on the enzyme prevents binding of the substrate and vice versa.
C. Coenzyme- A non-protein organic substance that usually contains a vitamin