Analysis Of 'The Coddling Of The American Mind'

Words: 639
Pages: 3

In the last few decades, our country has become less understanding of one another. In the world we live in, it is easy to get lost in the rush of the world. With that being said, eventually someone can restrict their view of life to their routine. With the rest of the world out of the picture, their problems feel bigger. Often times people forget about the insignificance of most of their problems, and sometimes will even let these problems dictate their mood or perception of the situation. Our generation now struggles between oversensitivity, understanding opposition, and understanding the size of our problems in the big picture. The newfound oversensitivity that has developed in our country will only hinder us from expansion. If we are constantly turning our heads to find out who said what, we will miss the big picture dead ahead. In “The Coddling of the American Mind,” Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt convey the extent in which some students have taken this safe space revelation. In many cases, the victim lets their feelings guide their interpretation of reality. They magnify the importance of things to make them seem more controversial than they actually …show more content…
He implies that,“Men confess that the right to speak freely and to act in opposition is a noble ideal rather than a practical necessity.” Opposition is important because it leads to consulting which may lead to a better mutual understanding. Simply listening to another individual will be beneficial, wisdom is gained through hearing another’s judgement. People have to be willing to listen and apply the newfound information. Allowing freedom of expressing opinions is very important in a leadership role. Often times strong leaders will let their trusted advisors speak freely in the presence, because they value their opinion and