The Coddling Of The American Mind Analysis

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Pages: 4

It takes a village to raise a child, hypersensitive and microaggression can play a factor in how we are rise by parents and teachers. The way we are being taught at home and school can shape us into the young adults and students we will be.
In the article The Atlantic “The Coddling of the American Mind” by Greg Lukianoff, and Jonathan Haidt. Ague that students are being coddled in colleges and universities, because they are hypersensitive and are asking professor for trigger-warnings, and students are being microaggression. According to Lukianoff and Haidt, “the aim is to turn campuses into a safe space where young adults are shielded from words and ideas that make some uncomfortable” (Lukianoff and Haidt). A law student wants the professor to avoid teaching the subject about rape. Jeannie Suk’s compare “a medical student who is training to be a surgeon who do not want to handle nor see blood” (Lukianoff and Haidt). I believe if students are going to school to get their education to have a career as a professional, and do not want to learn about the subject due to triggers then he or she will
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Parents can sometime senor their children from the world. As a youth growing up if I was to express myself, sharing my thoughts, my parents took it as being disrespectful. Therefore, it made me suppress my emotion, because I did not want to be on punishment or being rude to an adult. I believe being out of your comfort zone can transfer from home to school. University of St. Thomas, in Minnesota canceled Hump Day because students thought it was offensive to the people from the Middle East. Hump Day was inspired from the TV commercial in where the camel parade around the office celebrating Wednesday (Lukianoff and Haidit). People need to learn how to separate logic from