Analysis: Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

Words: 741
Pages: 3

Last year The NCAA made almost one billion dollars. Zero of those dollars went to the athletes.
The NCAA needs to start paying their athletes. Colleges make hundreds of millions of dollars, some should go to the athletes earning it.
While the colleges and the NCAA make fortunes from college athletics, the athletes still earn nothing. A major example is the NCAA basketball tournament. The NCAA signed a 11 year $6,200,000,000 deal with CBS to televise. Each college involved made roughly 1 million dollars for their conference every game they played. The teams that make it to the championship earn around 8 million dollars. While the players make nothing, many of their coaches earn over a million dollars a year. 71 colleges football coaches make
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They play a sport almost as skilled as professional athletes, who make tens to hundreds of millions of dollars, for free. While they are almost at a professional level, they have to balance schoolwork at some the most challenging universities. There is very little time to fit a job I'm that busy schedule. Now, college athlete who are making their college's fortunes, barely can afford to go see a movie. Athletes have almost no time to rest during their athletics seasons. March Madness is a major example of this. Most teams would have games every other day. This year Wichita State started the tournament with a game in Arizona, followed by one in Providence, RI two days later, then another two days after that. This leaves no time for schoolwork, job, or a minute to rest. Accepting money as a college athlete is illegal, yet many still do. There are many college athletes that come from poor families, and the money is too tempting to turn down. The penalty is usually a suspension or even being ineligible to participate in college sports. Sometimes, the penalties can even hurt the college of the athletes. This sometimes will leave a college athlete with a decision to either help family or play by the rules. Paying college athletes would fix this. College do so much that they deserve that they should paid. Paying college athletes would improve college