Andromeda Research Paper

Words: 569
Pages: 3

I have chosen the Andromeda constellation as my favourite, not merely because I have always been fascinated by Greek mythology, but also because it is a very intriguing constellation in its own, myths aside. Andromeda has been known as a constellation under this name since Ptolemy's listing in the 2nd century AD, and has been officially recognised by the International Astronomical Union. It is formed of sixteen main stars, the brightest of them being Alpha Andromedae, though Gamma Andromedae attracts the attention of astronomers more, as it is more colourful. Andromeda has a northern declination, and is therefore invisible to most of the southern latitude, but it is nevertheless one of the largest constellations, covering an area of 722 square feet. …show more content…
Cassiopeia, depicted as a vain woman, was thoroughly punished by the god Poseidon following a remark she made about her daughter surpassing the Nereids in beauty. An oracle informs Andromeda's desperate parents that their only way of saving themselves from the divine curse is to chain Andromeda to a rock and leave her as a sacrifice to the sea monster who was sent by Poseidon to ravage the whole of Ethiopia. However, the sea monster's mission is ended abruptly by the Greek hero Perseus, returning from having slain the Gorgon Medusa. Perseus encounters the figure of the chained Andromeda, and, invisible due to wearing a helm belonging to the god Hades, slays the sea monster and saves both the princess and the kingdom. Andromeda and Perseus wed, and therefore start the illustrious line of the Perseidae. The myth (and Euripides' retelling of it) state that after Andromeda's death, the goddess Athena turned her into a constellation, bordered by the constellations of her husband, Perseus, and of her