Angela Davis Research Papers

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Pages: 5

Jocelyn Davis, Grace Lin, Valerie Lopez Ms. Kim Period 1/8th ELA Pre-AP 10 May 2024 Free Angela Davis The United States has branded racism as “inhumane,” “sadistic,” and “monstrous,” vividly depicting what the nation normalized and encouraged for years. Throughout American history, the nation has continually fought for its beliefs, engaging in wars and revolts to secure freedom. Despite the evolution towards a more modern and inclusive society, racial equality and racism have remained as a highlight in American history. Not only was it temporarily tearing the nation brutally apart, but allowed the separation of human beings. Anglea Davis, an African American woman, courageously challenged white supremacy and took a stand for her people. From a very early age, she was raised in a very racist neighborhood, where …show more content…
For two months, Davis was able to evade the FBI but ended up getting caught in a motel in New York. Davis ended up spending 18 months in county jail before the state decided to release her. After her release from jail, Davis focused her work on prisoner’s rights and trying to abolish the prison system. Additionally, Davis wrote multiple books about racism and maintained the lead in the battle against war, incarceration, racism, patriarchal oppression, and the death penalty. In "Angela Davis: Freed by the People", it is stated, “President Nixon labeled Davis a “dangerous terrorist” and a threat to the security of the United States.” By using these words Nixon believed Davis was a murderous rebel just because of her involvement in the hostage situation. Stating to the world that Davis was a vindictive criminal. This quote connects to our past because it shows how for generations, humans have seen African Americans as “monstrous” creatures, and how different black people were from the norm that white people were used to. This explains how society has coached us into racist standards about