Annotated Bibliography Paper

Words: 856
Pages: 4

Annotated Bibliography
Quantitative research on consumer behavior towards food product and advertising
Shruthi Sagayaraj Ravi

Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, NAV 104
Dr. Rivka Felsher
February 20, 2018

U.S. House. 10 2nd Congress, 1st Session. (1991, Jan. 11). H. Con. Res. 1, Consumer Perceptions of Heart-Health Claims for Cooking Oils and Vegetable Oil Spreads. Available: Boca Raton Library: GENFED File: BILLS

The paper shows a research on consumer awareness of heart-healthy state in the advertisement for a cooking oil having low saturated fat, and vegetable oil having less or no fatty acids. This case involved in labeling for several such products which were banned by FDA regulations and the restriction also appears
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The behaviors of consumers can be changed by altering the triad components of their target consumer behavior.

The Effects of Advertising Copy on Sensory Thoughts and Perceived Taste: Ryan S. Elder and Aradhna Krishna Source: Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 36, No. 5 (February 2010), pp. 748-756. Available:

The article puts forward that advertisement for food products can affect taste perception by affecting sensory learning. Specifically, we show that multisensory ads result in higher taste perceptions than ads focusing on taste alone, with this result being mediated by the excess of a positive over negative sensory thoughts. Since the ad effect is thoughts-driven or cognitive, restricting cognitive resources (imposing cognitive load) attenuates the enhancing effect of the multiple-sense ad. The results are exhibited in three different experiments and have many consequences for cognition and sensory knowledge of consumer behavior, as well as several practical
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The concepts of consumer attitudes are analyzed toward marketing feat of businesses. Furthermore, the article recognizes the triad of consumer's attitude, which includes samples of their measurement scales and how attitudes connect to the behaviors of consumers but record that the companies would have difficulty influencing the purchasing behaviors of their consumers directly.
We all get tripped up by internal politics, agendas, and internal brand priorities. However, some of the best advice that I can give marketers and researchers is to remember that your customer is always your boss (even above your company's CEO). You need to keep the lines of communication open with your "boss" through research. Work hard at understanding and continuously meeting and/or exceeding consumer and customer needs. Even if you purchase your company's products, you are not your consumer, and therefore, focusing on your consumers and their perspective is critical.

Perkins A., Forehand M., Greenwald A., Maison D., Measuring the Non-conscious: Implicit Social Cognition on Consumer Behavior, Handbook of Consumer Psychology, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007, Available: