Annotated Bibliography Essay

Words: 1008
Pages: 5

While writing the Annotated bibliography my group came across minor challenges. First we needed to decided what types of references we wanted to use for our research paper. We decided that it would be best to use books and journals mostly from the recent years to show how incarnation rates are still increasing and there is racial discrimination in the justice system. We needed to look for sources that would have a lot of data and statistics to back up our claims. It was difficult to find sources that were recent because much of the data collected about incarceration and the war on drugs was from the 1900s so we had to do a lot of digging around. Hannah was able to find a documentary about the 13th amendment and took notes which we were able …show more content…
There were many times where we had to remind other members what we needed to do for the annotated bibliography. I think overall we didn’t face any major problems such as a group member forgetting to do the assignment or posting last minute. We all had a specific time that we wanted the sources to be posted on the doc so I could review it and fix up and minor mistakes like the margins and grammar. The members in my group understood that this assignment was impotent and didn’t …show more content…
You need evidence to help prove that there is an issue and there are other researches who have evidence to show it. Sometimes finding sources can be complicated because your topic might be too broad or to narrow that there isn’t enough information. It’s important to provide yourself with time when looking for sources because to need to dig and evaluate each particular source. Also when you are picking your topic do some per research to see if there is information on your topic so you don’t end up wasting time researching for something that is difficult to back up. You can always adjust your topic but it’s a good idea to make these adjustments before you start any