"Physician-Assisted Suicide." Congressional Digest 77.11 (1998): 257. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web.
This article examined how the advancement in medical technology has had an impact on patient’s decisions related to health. It really focused in on issues such as the legality of physician-assisted suicide. As well as the legality, how physician-assisted suicide is carried out is dependent on Supreme Court decision to prohibit assisted suicide. Certain circumstances in which assisted suicide is considered legal in Oregon. Furthermore this debate over physician assisted suicide tries to balance the respect for life the individual rights to which American’s place such a high value on.
Callahan, D. "Organized Obfuscation: Advocacy for Physician-Assisted Suicide." Hastings Center Report 38.5 (2008): 30-32.CINAHL with Full Text. Web.
Callahan’s article "Organized Obfuscation: Advocacy for Physician-Assisted Suicide." Discusses organized obfuscation: Obfuscation as defined is an effort to render that which is unclear, evasive, or confusing. It is believed that in recent years many advocates of physician-assisted suicide have organized obfuscation as a political tactic. This article examined key points within Dutch Medicine dealing with the context of Euthanasia and how it differs from physician suicide in states (Oregon).
Churchill, L R. “Physician-Assisted Suicide.” Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 87.Suppl 22 (1994): 44–45. Print.
Churchill takes a close look at how suicide has been viewed in the past as opposed to how it is viewed today. He states that suicide isn’t centered on issues of sin, nobility, or freedom but on psychiatric categories. He closely examines reasons why suicide is more than just a psychiatric manner. As well as looking at important arguments for and against physician assisted suicide. He also mentions the Hippocratic Oath which states “I will neither give a deadly drug to anyone if asked, nor will I make a suggestion to this effect.” He then draws up another argument based on convictions that suicide among those who are terminally ill and dying are a failure to society, humanity, and health professionals. He brings mention to many opposing viewpoints which help build up my argument.
M.C. MARINI, H. NEUENSCHWANDER and F. STIEFEL (2006). Attitudes toward euthanasia and physician assisted suicide: A survey among medical students, oncology clinicians, and palliative care specialists. Palliative & Supportive Care, 4, pp 251-255.Web
A study was done on palliative health care specialists, health care professional, and first and second year medical students. The purpose for this study was to collect anonymous information containing different theoretical scenarios in concern with physician assisted suicide. Among the results the palliative care specialist showed that a decreasing number supported physician assisted suicide. Professionals of the cancer center were more In favor of direct active euthanasia rather than physician assisted suicide and then palliative care specialist. However they were less in favor of the physician assisted suicide than the first and second year medical students. These studies showed the different variations among the different professionals and what attitudes they have toward physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. Being familiar with the care of severely ill and dying patients is very important when you begin to compile and analyze information. Some of which has been looked over as a result of this survey.
Quill TE, Meier DE, Block SD, Billings JA. The Debate over Physician-Assisted Suicide: Empirical Data and Convergent Views. Annals of Internal Medicine. Print
This article looked into the debate of physician assisted suicide as a whole analyzing data to furthermore explain how this information can clarify this debate. Many people aren’t fully educated on the complexities of physician assisted suicide and need to better understand and listen