Professor Davies
English 1A
Annotated Bibliography
Alex-Assensoh, Yvette, and Mary Ryan. ”Value-Added Learning.” Peer Review 10.2/3
(2008): 34-36. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Nov. 2012.
This article discusses the value of internships in Washington D.C. It talks about how students benefit in the real world by going through these internships. This article is very informative and is potentially a good resource for me to use in my paper. It is a scholarly article written by two authors that are both well educated in this topic. It is relevant because it was written in 2008. “Students who have completed internships in D.C. increase their knowledge of how government works and how the United States influences global relations and economics” (Alex-Assensoh).
“Students quickly realize the value of being informed, and this lesson stays with them long after they finish their internship” (Alex-Assensoh).
Baum, Sandy, and Kathleen Payea. “Education Pays: The Benefits of Higher Education for
Individuals and Society.” College Board. College Entrance Examination Board, 2004.
Web. 9 Nov. 2012.
This article is about how receiving a college education really does pay off. In the part of the article that I might use in my paper, it discusses how going to college allows a person to make more money in a lifetime. It also gives some helpful facts and statistics that show how much more money the average college graduate makes compared to the average high school graduate. This is a well-researched article. The authors of this article are both educated and both are knowledgeable of this subject. The article appears to have a bias towards wanting people to get a college education. ”Over their working lives, typical college graduates, and those with advanced degrees earn two to three times as much money as high school graduates” (Baum and Payea). “More educated people are less likely to be unemployed and less likely to live in poverty” (Baum and Payea).
CourseAdvisor. “Benefits of a College Degree.” Course Advisor. CourseAdvisor Inc, 2012.
Web. 12 Nov. 2012.
This article gives some benefits to having a college degree. It talks about the assets that a person develops by going to college and how they help in the changing job market. This is a valid resource because it is a well-researched article. The sources listed at the end of the article were all valid and current. It does not specify who wrote the article, it just says that it was written by CourseAdvisor. The information in the article seemed to have a bias towards having people go to college. This source should be a good one to use in my paper. “In a survey asking about the skills they’re looking for in new employees, employers reported that they most value: dependability, reliability, a good attitude, the ability to read comfortably, computer skills, and the ability to communicate clearly both in spoken word and in writing”
(CourseAdvisor). “A good college degree program can help with all of these skills, which add up to a valuable skill set known as ‘resourcefulness’” (CourseAdvisor).
Dwyer, Mary M., And Courtney K. Peters. “The Benefits of Study Abroad.” IES Abroard. IES
Abroad, 2012. Web. 14 Nov 2012.
This article is about the benefits of students who study abroad. It gives not only academic benefits, but also personal benefits that college students get out of studying abroad. The website appears to be very valid. The authors are both very educated. One of the authors has her Ph.D. This is a scholarly source that is research based. I think that this article would make a good resource for my paper. The only problem with it is the article uses older statistics so it might not be too current.
“When asked about personal growth, 97 percent said studying abroad served as a catalyst for increased maturity…” (Dwyer and Peters). “’Overall, I learned a lot more about myself in that one semester than I did in the three and a half years in my