Anselm's Ontological Argument

Words: 283
Pages: 2

Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of god is done via “A Priori” argument. Anselm begins his Chapter 2 argument with his own understanding of God, “I may understand that you exist as we believe you exist, and that you are what we believe you to be. Now we believe that you are something that which nothing greater can be thought.” (Feinberg, p. 30). Anslems understanding of God is a vital part for this argument. Throughout the chapter 2 argument the term “The Fool” is used to refer to those who are atheist. Anselm explains how although “The Fool” may believe there is no God, he certainly understands what he hears when Anselm states his understanding of God. With this the atheist must at very least admit that God exists in his understanding.