The pastry originally cost $0.89. If the snacks were to be resold at the mean price of $1.80, a profit of $0.91 would be generated for each product sold. However, if people unwilling to spend any money on the apple turnover were removed from this average, the average would be $2.30. Turnovers sold at this price would generate a profit of $1.41 each. I believe this thinking is skewed because it does not account for the amount of product sold. The graph below outlines the profit generated by selling at a certain price, the number of people willing to pay the price or more, and the total profit made. …show more content…
In addition to making the most profit, buying less turnovers means that there are less transportation costs and upfront costs involved. However, in the event that many apple turnover sales were necessary to protect an old supply from going bad, 225% more sales would occur when selling at $2, again, assuming all Polaris students behave like those