Socially, women were still treated inferiors to men, with the men using the excuse that they were protecting women, when in reality they were just restricting them. Politically, both women and African Americans were not allowed to vote and therefore were politically oppressed. Different organization such as the National American Woman Suffrage Association and the National Baptist Church fought for voting rights for white women and black women and male. Socially, women were often abused by their alcoholic husbands. Women responded by created organizations such as the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, which combated alcohol and domestic violence. The organization influenced women to speak out against poverty and wealth inequality. Similarly, women played roles in reforming African American communities. African American women created the National Association of Colored Women which also advocated temperance and arrange care for those in need. Both black and white women wanted to carry domesticity into the public sphere. These new political and social issues such a suffrage and domestic abuse were the reason why women continued to work together with African Americans. These new issues fit the characteristics of the changing role of women as women had gained more education and with that women embraced the ideal of maternalism. Women used the idea of maternalism to link domesticity and women’s equality, by making the argument that the community is home and the people of the community are their family and therefore as mothers, women need to help their community. This led to women to expand from the house and start taking political action and starting reform movements such as the ones mentioned