During the process, many embryos are created out of which only one is ended up being used. In the case of Molly Nash, 12 embryos were created, out of these 12, 1 worked. This led to 11 perfectly fine embryo’s being destroyed/go to waste. This is murdering 11 other children for one perfect one. Many people say for this to be unethical and I agree with them. Additionally, designer babies are chosen on how they are made up, so, if a parent doesn’t like the baby they end up with, it might not be kept. Parents should not be allowed to genetically engineer their children to their …show more content…
The world isn’t at all perfect and that is a good thing because from the mistakes we make, new ideas are invented. All the people in Our world is very diverse a different but with designer babies it will change and everyone will be the same. I wouldn’t like any baby to be related to salad because even though salads have different variations they are all very similar. Therefore, I think no one should be able to genetically alter their baby’s genes to make the baby something it wasn’t meant to