The United States’ gun control has been the major debating issue in most social platforms. This came after massive killing that has been witnessed in major parts of the United States. Though this is not the first time gun control and gun rights is being discussed, a lot of arguments have been given on the government’s ability on controlling gun possession. A lot of amendment has been made to help with issues of gun control and gun rights but due to different opinions from gun rights and gun control groups with each lobbying the Congress to craft the legislation in their favors, nothing much has been achieved (Winkler 54). In fact, the gun issue has reached the highest court in America twice, but none of these has addressed the problem amicably (Fisanick 23). This led the president Barrack Obama to lay the groundwork for new executive action on the …show more content…
Politics have played a significant role on the issue of guns in America. In fact, during political seasons, the Republicans have been observed to use this problem as a way of gaining popularity in parts most affected (Spitzer 23). From the statement issued by the president of the United States, different people from the two parties reacted differently with some supporting the move while others strongly opposing the action. According to the Democrats, Obama’s words and actions are due to intimidation and threat posed to the liberty of Americans. However, to the Republicans, the measures taken by the government cannot help to solve the gun problem but rather; it is a way of the president to mourn with the affected (Fisanick 27). Basing his arguments on the history, Fisanick says that such like executive action have been issued by Dwight, and nothing