Arming Teachers Research Paper

Words: 1977
Pages: 8

Arming Teachers In many instances, arming our teachers with firearms may seem like the most sensible way to prevent school shootings; however, arming school teachers puts many new risks and liabilities into the picture that makes it no longer a logical way to prevent school shootings. Giving teachers access to weapons not only creates a bunch of new risks and complications, but it also ignores the underlying reasons for these tragedies. Arming teachers puts the learning environment in danger, increases the possibility of deadly force being used, and challenges the core responsibility of educators as caregivers and mentors, far from protecting our schools. It becomes clear that different, more comprehensive measures are necessary to address the epidemic of school …show more content…
The prevalence of gun violence continues to be a problem despite many attempts at legislation, calling for all-encompassing and multidimensional approaches to prevention and mitigation. As a result, discussions surrounding efforts to prevent carnage in our nation's classrooms have come about. Since there aren't enough funds to hire more security guards/police officers, arming teachers with guns is sometimes seen as a more affordable option. Furthermore, the idea appeals to people who support the right of each individual to keep and carry arms for self-defense because it is consistent with the American values of independence and self defense. The idea of arming teachers has gained traction in the public conversation surrounding school security measures, as the frequency of school shootings continues to raise concerns about student safety. Whenever more guns are brought into the equation, there will always be an increased risk of intentional/unintentional events that