Arthritis Research Paper

Words: 545
Pages: 3

Arthritis is a disease which causes inflammation of the joints. If left untreated joint damage, joint limitations and deformities can occur.

People suffering from arthritis must be groping for ways and means to totally cure them of their condition. Arthritis is the common term given to diseases of the joints. It is associated with pain and swelling, which can come and go due to certain trigger factors. Arthritis is very common to middle-aged individuals because that's the time when their joints succumb to the normal wear and tear of everyday use. There are a lot of medicines for arthritis these days. And one of them is what's called the Amazing Arthritis Medicine.

The amazing arthritis medicine that I'm bringing across to readers, ironically is one which expels any form of medication, drugs, or strict diet. It is one way of curing Arthritis through natural healing - a day to day healthy
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As soon as the source of heat is removed the arthritis back pain will begin to return.

Physical therapy is another method of pain relief. Chiropractors and massage clinics offer ways to give you temporary relief; however, for long term relief, you need to see your doctor. A doctor can check, first, to be sure it is truly arthritis pain, then prescribe medication for your individual arthritis back pain.

Recently, studies have been done on an herbal extract known as Tripterygium Wilfordi Hook F (TWHF) that has proved beneficial in the treatment of severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. The reports claim that it is very comparable to prednisone, a common chemical medication used in the treatment of arthritis. As in the cases of other herbal treatments and alternative medicine solutions in general, there is some controversy over the use of herbal medicines in the treatment of arthritis. The major complaint seems to be over the lack of regulation and uncertainty about the side effects of some of the herbal