Arthritis Research Paper

Words: 429
Pages: 2

The disease I chose is arthritis. Also called joint inflammation. I chose the topic because many people in my family have arthritis and I want to learn more about it. The people in my family that have arthritis is my mom and most of my aunts. They have a lot of pain in different areas of their body.
Arthritis symptoms are pain, swelling, reduced range of motion, and stiffness. “The symptoms cause pain in the joints, ankle, back, fingers, hands, muscles, neck, and wrist (Web MD)”. The symptoms can cause further damage. The pain can be sharp or intermittent. It can occur while sitting. The joints will become stiff, tender, or swollen. There can be fatigue and malaise. Also the muscles weaken. There can be a bump on the finger and or a bony outgrowth
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Depending on the type of arthritis, there are blood tests you can get to see if there is inflammation. For other arthritis the doctors look for spots in the scans. Some treatment options are painkillers, and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. There are also surgerys that can help if the arthritis is severe enough.
One cause of arthritis is a reduction from the normal amount of cartilage tissue. An infection or injury to the joints can cause breakdown of cartilage. Second, normal wear and tear causes OA, which is a common form of arthritis. If the disease runs in the family there is a higher chance to get OA. Reduction is behavioral because of putting stress on the joints can cause it. An infection or injury is behavioral. Wear and tear is hereditary because OA runs in the family.
One personal health behavior that can have a risk of me getting arthritis is reduction in the cartilage. Putting to much pressure on my joints can cause it. An infection or injury that is severe and if it is not taken care of properly it can cause arthritis. OA runs in my family so there is a chance I can get it. WHen I get older I will have to be careful to lessen the