Assistive Technology

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Pages: 8

Societal obstacles that stand in the way of effective technology implementation and use have existed for decades, drawing various levels of attention and controversy regarding how students can achieve independence using such technology, as well as what technologies intended for use by learning disabled students should be applied to a given task. What follows is an attempt to present some of the history of assistive technology implementation and the reaction of the disabled community to those strategies, in addition to some of the obstacles which stand in the way of the more widespread use of assistive technology in the classroom for students with need for such technology.

An examination of the issues and obstacles as they pertain to the use
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Assistive technology is technology that increases the capabilities and independence of the student and allows them to be an active participant in the classroom environment. Assistive technology can take the form of very low-tech, non-electronic solutions, computer hardware, software. For example, a very low-tech solution may simply consist of specially-lined paper to help a student improve their handwriting by providing them with a guide to help keep their writing straight and keep it at a consistent even line at a consistent size. The use of journaling may also be employed to give the student more practice in the formation and organization of their ideas in written form. Alternatively, the use of standard word processing software such as Microsoft Word, or a dedicated word processing device such as an AlphaSmart may be afforded to the student to reduce the laborious handwriting issues these students often have to deal with. Specialized word processing software for students who have trouble with written expression may include software like Dragon Naturally Speaking, allowing students to simply speak their ideas onto a page, for later grammar evaluation and editing. Furthermore, the use of organizational apps on a smartphone may help a student stay on task, and better keep up with their assignments. All these technologies are designed to mold the curriculum …show more content…
One of the initial serious efforts at making a free and appropriate public education available and accessible to individuals with learning disabilities began in earnest with the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act, or IDEA. IDEA provides for an Individualized Education Plan, or IEP, that allows for students to have an education tailored to their strengths whenever possible. IDEA specifically mentions that assistive technology can be provided to the student in the form of specialized services, be it a note taker, or placement in another room away from the main classroom for testing or other stressful work. It also provides for the use of technology that is not necessarily part of a comprehensive program but may simply be targeted at a given subject area that the student has trouble with. This new legislation, which applied to public schools began to form the foundation of the implementation and use methodologies for assistive technology, such as the categorization of assistive devices based on the type and sophistication of the technology a given device makes use of, like whether or not a device uses electricity and whether a device uses a computer with specialized software that is intended to mitigate a certain deficit, like difficulty with