Autonomy And Traditions: An Analysis

Words: 552
Pages: 3

The idea that human autonomy needs to be balances against the authority of tradition means that humans should be able to make their life choices, choices they believe will give them the good life. Humans who are conservatives follow traditions from years before their time to structure how their life should be and to build a foundation for themselves for their future. The balance is needed between a person choosing their own life path and making decisions, but following traditions that have been passed on because of their success in nature. A conservative can create their lives and make their own choices, but traditions can be a way to follow someone else’s previous path so the person is not completely choosing the way their life is going to be. As Edmund Burke had said about society that “partnership … between those who are living, those …show more content…
“As they participate in them, they exercise their autonomy. They make choices and judgments; their wills are engaged; they learn from the past and plan for the future”(Kekes, 10). Traditions allow those who follow them to learn from the past because these traditions are created by generation before them and have been proven effectively as they continue on in the next generation. It also helps to plan for the future because it teaches lessons that will help shape the future for the follower of the tradition. The person doesn’t have to worry about what they’ll do net because its laid out for them in the tradition. Traditions are beneficial because they show the conservative the right and wrong in certain situations according to the tradition. “But they do so in the frameworks of various traditions which authoritatively provide them with the relevant choices, with the matters that are left to their judgments, and with standards that within a tradition determine what choices and judgments are good or bad, reasonable or unreasonable” (Kekes,