This document is a summary of
Promoter: Prof. Dr. Hab. Andrzej Kwolek
Close to 200 million handicapped people face serious difficulties on a daily basis, dealing with numerous obstacles with every step they make. They are being discriminated against, they do not have adequate health care and rehabilitation, transportation and constructions are not adapted for them, and it’s hard for them to obtain information. It is advisable to allow these human beings have access to all services, which are prevalent in society. The government along with his parties should invest in specific programs for disabled people, as well as accept the national disability strategy and plan of action. They should also be involved in designing and implementing policy initiatives, as every individual has a moral duty to remove the barriers and act in a way that people with disabilities have the opportunity to participate in society, and the arising barriers do not block the huge potential that lies dormant in them.
This study is to present general accessibility in cultural facilities for handicap individuals in two provincial cities. The study focuses on existing architectural structures, which are the key issues for people who are deaf, blind, visually impaired or handicapped. Furthermore, this work is to illustrate the basis of the collected material, interviews and observation of their own accessibility of these structures, their statistical analysis and presentation in a graphic form is of selected buildings that are adapted and not adapted for people with reduced mobility.
Included in the study were cultural facilities in Lublin and Rzeszów, as well as theaters, cinemas, libraries, museums, houses and cultural centers (including the Information Center) and sports centers in which cultural performances are held. To achieve the above-mentioned goals interviews were conducted, as well as correspondences by e-mails and telephone with the people responsible for the property or people designated by their employees. The main way to carry out the study was a visit to the buildings and taking pictures with the prior approval of the management (the city of Lublin visits were carried out in the company of people with disabilities). Complementing the study was an open questionnaire addressed to people with disabilities, on accessibility in cities which this study concerns and their subjective view on the subject. No comments were made on this question.
Results indicate that the availability of cultural features in both cities are very diverse. Most of the old buildings