Aztec Sacrifice

Words: 344
Pages: 2

In the texts, human sacrifice is very important to many people, tribes, or cultures. These people do sacrifices for various reasons and beliefs. In the texts, it talks about who and why they do this. In text #1, Aztec Sacrifice, it talks about why the Aztecs perform human sacrifice. It states that the idea of human sacrifices is to repay reptilian monster (Cipactli) and the great gods (Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca). ¨… idea of repayment was especially true regarding the myth of the reptilian monster…The great gods ripped the creature into pieces to create the earth and sky and all other things… the spirit of Cipactli god promised her human hearts and blood appeasement”. I think the main reason is that it’s part of their culture and a way of appreciating their god. It was also known as an apology, because Ehecatl-Quetzalcoatl stole bones from the underworld and made humans, so …show more content…
The pictures makes the sacrifice look very important as the man is holding the heart up high to the sun. In text #2, The Darker Link, priests and rulers used human sacrifices as a way to show that the person in charge is powerful and able to keep everyone else in check. In the text, it states, “ritual killings helped humans transition from the small egalitarian groups of our ancestors and the large, stratified societies”. This quote means that without the human sacrifices, we wouldn’t be where we are today. The “transition” means changing from one state or condition to another. In conclusion, these cultures/people all have different motives to perform human sacrifices. The texts explain the reasons behind it all which is stated. In “Aztec Sacrifices” and “Human Sacrifices”, human sacrifice was viewed as a repayment for the sacrifices the sacrifices the gods had themselves made in creating the world and sun. In “The Darker Link”, human sacrifice was for power and keep people in