Baby Boomer Generation Research Paper

Words: 518
Pages: 3

The Baby Boomer generation was between 1946 - 1964. This era was one of the most notable events in American history today. The Baby Boomer’s generation’s name is derived from the significant increase in the birth rates that happened after WW2.

The Vietnam conflict, the first landing on the Moon, and the Cuban missile crisis. What are the most significant events in the Baby Boomer generation? Because of its impact, it has changed the citizens’ perspectives on political and government events today. But had also given them hope.

The Vietnam conflict has been and still is remembered in history. It has been a result of massive protests, millions of deaths and how the people then and now view the government today. The war undermined liberal reforms and had Americans deeply suspicious of the government. The war had divided the US, sparking a massive protest movement. The conflict is remembered as a part of the Cold War. Most people who survived and were drafted to the war had come back looking for work but had greater risk in terms of joblessness, because of the civil rights movement. The opposite color was able to get jobs faster and better than the people who were in the war. This event had, “Impacted attitudes, politics and the way Americans view their government.”
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It resulted in improving international strategy. The “Cuban Missile Crisis” had far-reaching consequences, both in terms of the Cold War and international relations more broadly. It led to significant de-escalation in Cold War tensions. “The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was the moment when two superpowers came closest to nuclear conflict.” Americans had begun, fearing their country was on the brink of nuclear