Baby Boomer Research Paper

Words: 865
Pages: 4

As we know, Baby Boomers have taken to technology like no other generation before them. The workplace experiences and extreme interest in today’s technology have driven the aptitude and interest of the Baby Boomers. The Baby Boomers, the generation born between 1946 and 1964 are the most educated generation in American history and in many cases the first in their families to get a college education. Today, now that many are retired or reaching retirement age, they don’t sit around like the generations before them, they have what some as called the “hungry minds” (Baby Boomers 2011). And today more and more college administrators are recognizing this and are planning accordingly to open the doors of college education to them, because
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As we know there are several reasons why one would go back to college, for example, to keep one mind sharp, to strengthen one resume for better financial security, or to be a part of social opportunities or viewpoints one would find on a radiant college campus, and even to fulfill one own personal goal.
Now that I explain the purpose of the paper, I now need to answer the following questions so that this paper will be understandable to those who will read this. The first question would be, who are the Baby Boomers for those who do not know. The second question will have several parts just as how will the Baby boomers deal with college, for what reasons why would one go back to college instead of relaxing in an armchair reading a good book? What college would one go to? What is the financial consideration? What kind of classes should one take? Which is better, online or in a classroom setting. Is the college ready for the Baby Boomers? I am sure as I work on this paper I will come up with even more questions to