Baby Boomers Research Paper

Words: 507
Pages: 3

Characterized by a moment in history that is filled with bigotry and hate, Baby Boomers are often called the most racist and homophobic generation of America. While I acknowledge that all Baby Boomers were not raised in the same sense, majority of them were raised to believe that discrimination against homosexual persons, women, and people of color is okay. This discrimination was thought to be okay due to media that “simultaneously delegitimized, marginalized, and disempowered” these people of lower status that were fighting in activist’s movements (Stamm). As the media assisted in shaping the constraints that these people were held behind, Boomers assumed an ideology that pushed a specific heterosexual life onto their children. This way of life made it “crucial to preserve and enhance monogamous, heterosexual, in-marriage …show more content…
While Baby Boomers and their children followed a strict life of heterosexuality, members of Generation Z are able to express themselves in a more fluid fashion and are typically met with support and guidance. Because of technological advances members of Generation Z are able to utilize new forms of media that have increased the exposure to same-sex and otherwise non-straight relationships. This is quite apparent when counting the number of shows that are targeted towards teens of Generation Z that feature a non-straight character: Pretty Little Liars, The Fosters, Degrassi, Riverdale, Dawson’s Creek, and Will and Grace. This exposure of non-straight persons and relationships in mainstream media has allowed members of Generation Z to call to question their own identities. This constant questioning has allowed members of Generation Z to find comfort and acceptance in these varying degrees of sexual