|Photosynthetic |Cyanobacteria and Algae |
|Molds and yeasts, important decomposers of organic materials |Fungi |
|Multicellular animals, parasitic worms |Helminths |
|Unicellular eukaryotes, amoeba, ciliates, and flagellates |Protozoa |
|Acellular particles |Viruses |
|Unicellular prokaryotes, found in extreme environments, cell wall |Archaea |
|lacks peptidoglycan | |
|Study of bacteria |Bacteriology |
|Study of the body's defense against pathogenic microbes |Immunology |
|The use of microbes to remove an environmental pollutant |Bioremediation |
|The study of fungi |Mycology |
|The study of viruses |Virology |
|The industrial application of microorganisms, cells, or cell |Biotechnology |
|components to make a useful product | |
|The science dealing with DNA and protein synthesis of living organisms|Molecular Biology |
|Which of the following is not true about protozoa? |They have rigid cell walls. |
|Which of the following is true about viruses? |A.They are not composed of cells. B.They cannot metabolize nutrients.|
| |C.They cannot reproduce themselves. D.They have DNA or RNA. E.All of |
| |the above. |
|Regarding Pasteur's experiments with the S-neck flask, which of the |A. There was air involved. B. There was a food source involved. C. |
|following statements is true? |Any possibility of contamination was removed. D. All microorganisms |
| |were killed before beginning. E. All of the above. |
|Who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation? |Pasteur |
|Who proved that microorganisms cause disease? |Koch |
|Which of the following is not an example of biotechnology? |Bacterial degradation of a dead animal |
|The best definition of biotechnology is |The use of living organisms to make desired products. |
|You are observing a cell through a microscope and note that it has no |Has a peptidoglycan cell wall.