As discussed above, we put 25% of the weight in Market Capitalization. Market Capitalization is simply just the market value of a company’s outstanding shares. The process of finding the market cap is taking the stock price and multiplying it by the total number of shares outstanding of the company. We, at Baldwin, used this approach to determine the actual size of the company as opposed to using sales or total asset figures. Baldwin Co started out strong and after Round 1 was in second place in the industry for the highest market capitalization rate. In rounds 2-8, we were very inconsistent in our Market Cap and fluctuated between a very high and very low number for that specific factor. This obviously was an area that we, as top management, focused quite a bit of time on and developed several strategies to bring Baldwin’s market cap rate to the highest in the industry, as well as making that rate stay consistent. Below, we’ve put together another detailed graph of the market rate of Baldwin compared to other competitors in the industry. With this incontinency that we can see detailed in the graph below, our finance department is working hard to develop more strategic plans in issuing stock and carrying Baldwin’s market cap rate back to the original success that it experienced in the first few rounds that we went through.