Barack Obama's Legacy

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Pages: 4

Though his term has come to an end and he was replaced by business tycoon Donald Trump, Obama’s kind of leadership surpasses even that of presidents’ before him. The first black president became an important American figure even before he was inaugurated and he served for two consecutive terms, which only confirms the fact how Americans trust him and his works.
Barack Obama is to be considered a legacy considering that he – like other great presidents before him such as Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt – was able to lead the country in a very perilous state and left it in a better condition than the time he first sat in office. Things such as the Great Recession, wars and civil unrest are key factors to see how great a president is by
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He is a veteran’s advocate. He supported veterans with the tuition assistance GI bill worth a staggering $78 billion. He also decreased veteran’s homeless rate by a good 50%. Moreover, he also increased the funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs.
8. He relentlessly fought for women’s rights. This includes him signing the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act which aims to fight pay discrimination against women.
9. He got rid of Osama Bin Laden. He was the president who ordered the capture and killing of Osama Bin Laden and putting a stop on his terrors.
10. He signed the Claims Resolution Act. Though quite unknown, this is an important legislation which provided black and Native American farmers worth $4.6 billion government fund after they were denied loans and royalties owed to them for decades.
11. He pushed for the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. This act was able to improve school nutrition among school-aged children tremendously.
12. Improved Cuba relations. He is indeed a president who take into great consideration the relationship between countries as he went to seek a better relationship with the Cuban
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He is not afraid to show his emotions. Yes, the president is just a person too, and he is entitled to cry. The president shed tears after the Newton shooting tragedy showing to people that he can relate what the public is feeling too.
17. He had the Ferguson Police investigated twice. Obama was able to have the Justice Department investigate the police regarding their racist behaviour history.
18. He had Sonia Sontemayor served as justice to the Supreme Court, making her the first Hispanic to serve the court.
19. Banned torture of prisoners and detainees.
20. He issued an executive order for the establishment of the White House Office of Urban Affairs. This is to help promote new policies to assist strengthening different cities across the country.
21. Negotiation of the Iran Nuclear Deal. The former president was able to help in the talks of the Iran Nuclear Deal and secured key conditions that was finalized in Vienna last 2015.
22. Nominated Loretta Lynch as Attorney General. Lynch was the first black woman to hold the position, and she was a key figure in leading national investigations in Ferguson and Baltimore.
23. He fought hard and won the Affordable Healthcare Act, which is a reformed healthcare intended to help the American