I don’t think I am going to become an author or some publisher but I do believe in the future I am not going to have a problem with writing an essay, for example, the format we usually write in class is MLA form I don’t think after the first essay I have not made one mistake on formatting. The three essays we did in class helped me more than I thought it would; it thought me how to use MLA format, how to get your point across to the reader, how to page numbering works, and also how to become a good writer by becoming a good reader. I know it takes hard work to become a good writer, but if I try hard enough I think I will become a good …show more content…
If I am not interested, I the topic I am writing about my mind will wander off and get bored. And most of the time you don’t get to choose what you can write about. I enjoy being able to state my opinion and write how I feel and some readers might think you are coming a little bit too strong. For example, when it comes to race, religion, sexuality, and gender you have to know the words you use and make sure you don’t offend anyone. This is some basic things I learned in my English class. I don’t see myself as an author as I mentioned earlier, but I do see myself becoming a wonderful writer. Some might disagree with the statement because I don’t use big fancy words and my grammar is kind of off sometimes, but I believe for a girl who just learned English I write pretty good. And all this fancy big words and grammar is going to be perfect because you can fix everything by learning from your mistakes, just like how I learned to write a perfect