Benefits Of Standardized Testing

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Pages: 8

“One teacher, distressed by being singled out, committed suicide days after the individual teacher results were released from the standardized testing scores” (Kuehn 69-75).The amount of stress from standardized testing results is unbelievable especially if it will determine your fate as a teacher. Students were told to take a test and the results would determine if the teacher stays or if the teacher was fired (Kuehn 69-75). Due to unbalanced standardized test scores, schools should not use standardized tests as the only piece of reflective information.
When the Common Core standards were adopted standardized testing became much more difficult and math scores dropped. Many parents and teachers acquired mixed feelings about the new standards.
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There are many reasons that lead to testing being uninformative for students, teachers, and schools. Standardized testing puts a lot of stress on students and teachers. With the overwhelming amount of testing in schools students tend to stress a lot more. The students stress about not being about memorize equations or any information that they have been taught. The teachers tend to worry about their teaching abilities and their individual evaluations once all of the test scores come back (Howell 29). It is not right to put this stress on teachers and especially students. They already have a lot do deal with besides tests. Also those students that are active in sports or other organizations outside of school. Making them worry about trying not to fail a test along with all of their homework makes the students stress more. Their overall stress will impact how the students test. Your home life and the pressure that is put on you before you take tests could be harming your final score as well. Every student learns in a different way. Some students learn faster than others and then some students need more time. The student’s home life also plays a factor in how a student performs on a test. Some students will come to school on testing day and they will be sick and not feel well, they can be overtired, depressed, unhappy, and many more (Simmons 37-39). There also might be students that have families …show more content…
Standardized tests are used to measure learning achievement, learning ability, aptitude and interest, and personality (Parker). The different types of tests that students are taking are called learning achievement tests (Parker). The Common Core standards are not liked by a lot of people. A positive to adopting Common Core was that the students would be taught how to solve real life situations rather than having to memorize formulas (Rich, A.12). “School reformers are pushing for longer school days, longer school hours, more homework, more testing, and more in order to make school harder for students so that they become better (Kohn 25). Standardized testing is a very inaccurate source of information to judge students and teachers on. Making sure that testing is stressed on students and schools is putting more stress on students and then they will not perform well on the tests. Standardized tests do not measure what you think that they measure. You are only measuring how well that student performed on that day. Their score could be bad because they did not feel good or they did not get enough sleep. If you have to take a test each year they should not be learning achievement tests that determine how well you know the material. Students should be taking tests like learning ability tests that measure you memory, judgment, reasoning, and problem solving skills or aptitude and