Beowulf Hero's Journey

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Pages: 5

Beowulf is a novel written to depict a valiant warrior on a heroic quest. It is known that the main character in this novel, Beowulf, was a hero, regardless of his unfortunate ending. Beowulf was able to move through all aspects of the hero’s journey, despite the odds against him. Beowulf experienced positive moments during his journey, as well as several defeats. Beowulf embodies these particular characteristics that make up a hero. On the other hand, Grendel is a main character in the novel Beowulf that serves the opposite purpose. Grendel is a cruel, envious, and furious monster. Grendel’s incredible anger towards the people of Heorot stems from a place of jealousy. These specific details provide evidence that Grendel is meant to be an archetypal …show more content…
When Beowulf leaves the land of the Danes and returns to his home, he is taking the road back to the ordinary world, given that he has fulfilled his duties. Lastly, Beowulf’s return with the elixir can be seen when he fights his final enemy, the dragon. More so, it was made evident which of his warriors were there to assist Beowulf and which were cowardly. Although Beowulf was not fortunate enough to live to see it, the treasure that he was initially after became accessible to his people. With the evidence now provided, it is clear that Beowulf was an accurate illustration of the archetypal hero. Beowulf’s storyline, persona, and determination are all characteristics that align with the archetypal hero description. Although Beowulf faced a tragic death, the fight that he encountered with the dragon was not useless. Beowulf was nonetheless able to retrieve the treasure for his people, although the outcome was not ideal. During Beowulf’s quest, he faced many challenges, including fear, loss, and defeat. When Beowulf arrived at Heorot, he confronted his first round of fear. Without the waves of fear that Beowulf experienced, he would not have been the hero he