Biology 101 Study Guide

Words: 691
Pages: 3

Test 1 Corrections
1.Organic compounds always contain ________.
A) Always contain carbon.
3. In some areas, fluoride is added during the municipal water treatment process in order to help ____________.
C) reduce tooth decay.
4. Cellulose differs from starch in that ___________. C) most animals cannot break down cellulose, whereas starch is easily digested.
7. Fatty acids are _________. C) hydrophobic
9. What is the complementary sequence to the DNA strand TCGATGG? B) AGCTACC
11. Peptide bonds __________. B) link amino acids
12. How are genes used by cells to build proteins? D) the genes in DNA direct the synthesis of an RNA molecule, which is used to build a protein
13. __________ are weak bonds that are not strong enough to hold atoms
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A protein containing more than one polypeptide chain exhibits the ________level of protein structure. D) Quaternary
17. DNA differs from RNA because DNA C) Contains thymine in place of uracil
18. Below is the structure of octane, the major component of gasoline. What type of bond is (are) found in a molecule of octane? B) only nonpolar covalent bonds.
19. Which of the following trace elements needed by humans is commonly added to table salt?
C) iodine

21. Your instructor ask you to look into your microscope to see a prokaryotic cell. You will be looking for a cell that A) has a membrane
22. Amino acids can be distinguished from one another by D) the chemical properties of their R
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Define the following terms
1. Enzyme: Enzymes are protein molecules that act as biological catalysts. They help reactions to occur faster.
2. Gene: A gene is the basic physical and functional unit of heredity. Genes, which are made up of DNA, act as instructions to make molecules called proteins.
3. Carbohydrate: are one of the main types of nutrients. They are the most important source of energy for the body.
4. Evolution: is change in the heritable traits of biological populations over successive generations.
5. Polymer: is a substance that has a molecular structure consisting chiefly or entirely of a large number of similar units bonded together.
Essay. Use complete sentences to answer the following. Use only the space provided.
1. Mr. Jacobson claims he can walk on water. He invites you to walk on water with him. Explain how that is chemically possible.
• That is due to the water’s high polarity levels, water molecules stick together forming an almost “skin like” layer. This then forms a high surface tension that will allow him to walk on water. Hydrogen bonding is what gives the rise to surface tension and