Essay on Blog and Online Reputation

Submitted By blobbs
Words: 657
Pages: 3

TMA 01

Question 1.a

Note taking can help students easily recall content and key facts. There are endless individual ways of taking notes, an acceptable academic method is the use of 'Mind mapping'this approach involves, writing down the central subject matter onto paper this then branches off into sister topics,in the same way a family tree shows genealogical data. Notes can be stored on paper or digitally in various formats.

Question 1.b

See included Xhtml Files. 'Internet meanies' and 'Manage your online reputation'

Question 2.a.

How to deal with internet Meanies (Trolls)

Trolling is a relatively new expression that has taken a darker twist in recent years, with the explosion of social media on the internet. This 'faceless society' has made it easier for people to spread there hate.
Recently there have been a number of high profile media stories that have resulted in convictions for so called 'Trolling'. A series of derogatory and sexually explicit facebook posts about the tragic case of April Jones resulted in a troll being jailed for 12 weeks. Claiming he got the ideas from the Sickapedia website.
Not all cases of trolling or flaming are as high profile and personal attacks can occur, be it in game, forum or on your own facebook/twitter accounts, i would advise against feeding the trolls. Take a step back and think about your response, if any, they thrive on your reaction, this is after all what feeds the flames of hate. Some critcism is welcome and can be of help, care is needed in seeing the underlying message and above all take what is said with a pinch of salt.

Manage Your online reputation

A quick egosurf of your name on google, could throw up some unwanted information. Steps can be taken however to guard against any unwanted bad press against your online identity. Such information could put off potential employers or even partners! So how can we protect our online identity, A personal blog maybe? Actively track how you are being seen online, using various tools such as Google Alerts for example, subscribe to the service and be alerted when your name is indexed from sources all over the Web. Technorati tracks content in the blogosphere, by indexing the body of blog posts made public.These and other methods through social media can help u monitor what is being said and by you.

In order to paraphrase the two articles provided, i first made notes and