Body Image Research Paper

Words: 485
Pages: 2

Sara’s friends wanted her to join the cheerleading team along with them, however Sara became timid and thought that everyone would shame her because she was not slim like the other girls. Every day after school Sara would go to the gym for an hour, run a mile, and every time she ate she would force herself to throw up. All Sara could think about was how much she wanted to be slim like all the other girls. In today’s society many teenagers and children face body image issues just like Sara. All round the world adults, teenagers, and even young children suffer trying to impress their peers and others they know. Majority of people go to the extreme to change their appearance and character to impress the outside world. Teenagers and young children tend to have low self-esteem due to things that go on in school and thing that they see on television. The media has a vigorous influence on women, teenagers, and young children’s personal approach of what beauty is supposed to be. The images of celebrities we see on …show more content…
A negative body image is a distorted perception of your figure, one may think that only others are attractive and that their body and shape is a personal disappointment. A positive body image is a clear perception of your figure and you accept your body the way it is, one feels proud and refuses to change anything about their body shape. A study shows that most adults are dissatisfied with their body image, most adults want to lose weight. Negative feelings about one’s body can conspire into eating disorders, excessive exercise, and other behaviors that are a threat to one’s health. More than 66 percent of Americans are overweight or obese, Interactions with Family and friends actively influence the way we distinguish ourselves, parents play a big role in their children's body image development, it's very important to stay aware of what's going on in your child's