“Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made loincloths for themselves.”Genesis 3:7
They then hid from God as he walked through the Garden, and he knew then that they had disobeyed him. The serpent introduced sin into the world. This forever changed the course of humans. God banished them from the Garden of Eden, and he gave them each punishments for disobeying them. After Adam and Eve left the Garden, they had sex. This is the first mention of sex in the bible. One can only conclude that it was brought about by their eating from the Tree of Knowledge. They were now ashamed to be naked, and they knew things that God knew, like the difference between good and evil. When they had sex, they had a child named Cain. He was the first baby born unto this world. They laid down and “knew each other” again, and had Abel. As the two boys grew older, they began to give sacrifices to God. Abel would always give the better sacrifices, so God looked upon him with favor. This caused the first instance of jealousy. Cain killed Abel because the sacrifices he gave God earned him more favor. Cain wanted that favor. When God asked Cain if he had seen Abel, Cain lied. But God knew that Cain lied so he punished him. He cast Cain away. He told him,
“When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to