E. B. -. Du Bois argued that Booker T. Washington failed to accurately represent the demands of the African American community for full civil and political rights (Pg. 120). The aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid aforesaid afore Du Bois would begin by describing parts of Mr. Washington's rise to power. He would point out that Mr. Washington's rise to power began at a time of transition and that Mr. Washington's ideas were not entirely his own, but he would be the first to successfully link them together (Pg. 122).Du Bois would continue to criticize Booker T. Washington's method of racial equality, stating that Mr. Washington disregards many of the high demands of the African American community as men and American citizens (Pg. 125). The. He would continue to state that at this period there is a policy of advocating submission (Pg. 125). The. Louis R. Harlan, however, would say